
Publication of provisional list on the basis of applications received regarding recruitment on contractual basis of vacant posts in District Disabled Rehabilitation Center Umaria (M.P.) by the Office of Collector (Social Justice and Disabled Empowerment) District Umaria

Publication of provisional list on the basis of applications received regarding recruitment on contractual basis of vacant posts in District Disabled Rehabilitation Center Umaria (M.P.) by the Office of Collector (Social Justice and Disabled Empowerment) District Umaria
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Publication of provisional list on the basis of applications received regarding recruitment on contractual basis of vacant posts in District Disabled Rehabilitation Center Umaria (M.P.) by the Office of Collector (Social Justice and Disabled Empowerment) District Umaria

Publication of provisional list on the basis of applications received regarding recruitment on contractual basis of vacant posts in District Disabled Rehabilitation Center Umaria (M.P.) by the Office of Collector (Social Justice and Disabled Empowerment) District Umaria

04/07/2024 17/07/2024 View (6 MB)